From Mom Maid LLC to Mom Maid Cleaning & Organizing LLC

In 2021 I accidentally started a very successful small cleaning company. We were struggling for money and I had spent months trying to find work-from-home opportunities where I could stay with my breastfeeding babe. I was a stay-at-home mom while my husband worked. I was desperate to find a means of additional income without the commitment to an employer.

I’ve always been very meticulous and debatably even a little OCD. During my pregnancy in 2018 I coped with my pregnancy anxiety by cleaning and organizing. It felt good to have control over something tangible while my body was rapidly changing. I’ve always loved to clean and create esthetically pleasing spaces but my passion for that grew dramatically during that new season of my life!

Around midnight on May 12, 2021 on a complete mindless whim before bed I made a post on the NextDoor app. It said something along the lines of “In search of people to let me clean their homes for payment.” Short, simple, sweet, nothing was supposed to become of it. I just did it without thinking. The next morning I hadn’t even checked the post when I received a phone call from a local lady who needed help cleaning that morning. I was in her home within 45 minutes of being awake that next day.

There were less than 12 hours between my mindless post and actually being inside my first home cleaning!

From that point on I was in homes 8 days straight before I took my first day off from cleaning. I remember by the third day of me being in homes I had a call-back list of 16 people!

On the second house I cleaned I ruined a man’s beautiful stainless steel stove. I was SO out of shape from pregnancy, birth, and two years at home. I was so hot and tired from the physical labor that by the time I got to his kitchen I sprayed “Easy Off” oven cleaner on the top where the LED screen was not knowing any better, and it completely ate the stainless steel coating straight off the metal.

A word to the wise: Do not use chemicals that you don’t know how to use!

I went home that day in tears. On my way home I had an epiphany and it went something like this:

Me to me: “I think I need insurance if I’m going to keep doing this…. business insurance??????”

Me to me: “If I need business insurance, then aren’t I a business?????? Am I a business? Do I need to be? Is this legal???”

I rushed home, applied to become a legal business in the state of Indiana, and I even got insurance coverage the next day.

Within the first week of me “hustling” extra cash it turned into a full fledge business that I ran, owned, and operated solo until it came to a close in September the same year. If you know me, none of that surprises you lol.

Mom Maid LLC got too big, too fast, I didn’t set healthy boundaries, I never said no to a client, and ultimately I wasn’t prepared to be pulled away from my family full time. Have you ever heard someone say that they shut their business down because it was too successful? Hi, it’s me. I wasn’t ready. I’m the problem. LOL.

On August 27, 2021 I got radically saved by God, and shut my business down two or three days later. I walked into church at the absolute most broken moment in my life as a witch practicing witchcraft and I walked out a believer in Jesus Christ. In that one singular experience all of my passions and desires changed in the blink of an eye.

Mom Maid LLC came to a complete stop as a result of my radical transformation story.

God paused my business so that I could grow into the person I needed to be for my business.

Fast Forward: Here I am one full year later almost to the day I closed, coming back to Mom Maid. Over this last year I have gotten a crash course! Mom Maid was meant for me before I got in the way of what God had for me and screwed it all up. I’m more prepared, better equipped, and ready to do this the right way this time.

This time I got to choose to come back to it whereas it just kind of happened the first time.

To do what I do for my clients I have to lead from a proper heart posture. I can’t have envy, I can’t carry judgment, I can’t have carelessness, and I can’t look at these homes as a dollar bill either. I have to love people to do what I do. I have to want better for them. I have to be able to listen to their stories, show compassion, have true empathy, and be willing to go above and beyond for them.

I have to be a safe place, and the Jasmine from a year ago could never have done any of that.

Mom Maid is personal for me.

I love to genuinely help people. I love to see beyond the stuff. I love to watch people, and families grow. I love to give back to people who invest and support me. Mom Maid is a true culmination of everything I’ve ever loved, and am good at, all wrapped up into one cute little package. We’re not perfect but we are progressing.

This company has a redemption story attached to it, and I’m excited to see where God takes us.